

 I'm so excited to finally be launching Mad Bubbler Toys! While I've enjoyed having a (now closed) brick-and-mortar store, and selling on ebay, and at local conventions literally since I was a kid, I've been wanting to have my own site for a while, and now it's finally a reality. I've always loved toys- I'm one of those people who never stopped buying toys; around age 10 or 11, it just became "collecting." I am fortunate to have a father who collects comic books, so I grew up going to comic book conventions, flea markets, etc., and "learning the ropes" buying, selling and trading from my dad. I've always had a voracious thirst for knowledge when it comes to toy collecting, so sometimes I'd find extra things that I knew were valuable, and started selling some toys at conventions (while my dad sold comic books), to help make a little money to sustain my collecting. Eventually, I realized that I could actually make a career out of it. So, while this is definitely a for-profit business, it comes out of a genuine love of toys, and toy collecting (I still actively collect). I truly love helping people find toys that will bring them happiness. 

While sales are a huge part of Mad Bubbler Toys, I also wanted to have a place to share my collecting-related thoughts, talk about some of my all-time-favorite toys, highlight some obscure and odd toys that people might not have heard of, and other fun stuff like that- hence, this blog! Keep checking back for all kinds of assorted fun and randomness. Also, keep checking the inventory of this site- I have hundreds of bins and boxes of toys that I finally have the space and opportunity to go through, so I'm going to be adding new items almost every day. Thanks for bubbling along on this adventure with me!


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